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Research & Market Profiles
Of the 1,257,819 visitors to Tasmania for the year ending December 2023, 88% visited Southern Tasmania.
Understanding your current and potential visitor markets and learning what motivates them is essential for anyone wanting to succeed in tourism.
Fortunately, national, state and regional tourism organisations provide a range of resources to assist tourism businesses in understanding visitor market characteristics and identifying appropriate target markets. Put simply, identifying target markets means your marketing dollar will go much further, so here are some research links and tools to help you ascertain your offering.
This Australian government agency is the country’s leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across international and domestic markets. Tourism Research Australia equips government and industry with information to strengthen their marketing and business decisions. Traditionally, Tourism Research Australia publishes national and state and territory tourism forecasts once a year: a selection of inbound, domestic and outbound forecasts available for the next 10 years, however these forecasts have not been possible during the pandemic.
In Tasmania, we also have the benefit of The Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS) which is acknowledged as the most reliable source of statistical data on visitors to Tasmania, being based on an exit sample of more than 9000 visitors to Tasmania each year. As an island, visitors to Tasmania can be counted as they depart from Tasmania’s air and sea ports – a real advantage for data collection. The latest TVS results, along with additional data provided by Tourism Research Australia, are published in Tourism Tasmania’s quarterly Tasmanian Tourism Snapshot. This provide a statistical overview about international and interstate visitors to Tasmania, as well as intrastate travel by Tasmanians. A commentary on the data is provided as a separate document on Tourism Tasmania’s website.
The latest visitor statistics are available here.
Data collected through the Tasmanian Visitor Survey is stored in the survey database ‘TVS Analyser’.
What other research is available?
The International Visitor Survey (IVS) is administered by Tourism Research Australia and is the most comprehensive source of information on international visitors to Australia.
The National Visitor Survey (NVS) is also administered by Tourism Research Australia. The NVS measures the characteristics and travel patterns of domestic tourists within Australia, including intrastate day and overnight travel.
Market Profiles
Cruise Ship Industry
How to Work in the Cruise Industry is a comprehensive information source for anyone considering entering the cruise market. Further info is available on the Tourism Tasmania cruise tourism website section.
Tourism Tasmania conducts a survey specifically seeking information from cruise ship passengers. The reports provide details on the number of ship visits, passengers/crew, expenditure estimates, passenger origins and activities undertaken in Tasmania.
Tourism Tasmania released a Blueprint for Sustainable Cruise Shipping in Tasmania 2019-2022.
Mona Visitor Profile
Align with Tourism Tasmania Market Segments
In 2018, Tourism Tasmania released a new segmentation around two main types of visitors: the Raw Urbanites and the Erudites; here’s a snapshot:
- They live in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.
- They are tertiary-educated professionals/managers who travel regularly.
- They are socially and environmentally aware.
- They are health conscious.
- They prefer less crowded, more interesting holiday destinations.
- They will try new things.
- Whilst looking for value, they will pay for quality.
- Collectively known as ‘life-long learners’.